Chairman’s Message

I am honored to serve as Chairman of the Mortgage Bankers Association of Pennsylvania.  Much has changed in our industry in the past few years ,  and there are more changes on the horizon.  It is important that we have a strong organization throughout  the state.   We are in interesting times, and your voice needs to be heard as what happens this year will determine how we do business for the immediate future and possibly beyond.   

   For more information please click on the local chapters located in Greater Philadelphia or Southwestern Chapter  . Please consider joining one or both of our chapters.   With the employment contraction in our industry over the last few years , networking has never been as vital as it is today.  The opportunity to meet and get to know your peers is an invaluable experience and can only be accomplished if you get involved.  The chapters provide education on compliance and upcoming legislation and distribution of information at conferences and events.  This is something you should not miss out on in these ever changing times.

The old saying "knowledge is power" has never been more evident than in today's market environment. If you are not an active member in a local chapter, make the effort to do so. Nothing happens until people get involved!   If you are already a member, please invite a potential member to a meeting,  golf outing, or one of the many educational seminars that we hold on a regular basis.  

The MBA of PA is the voice of our local chapters in Harrisburg and DC.  We are facing the challenges of today head on and we need your continued support to deliver your message. So please, get involved, and become a member today!